Two issues per year: 30 May, 30 December

Template can be downloaded here.

Dear Authors,

Articless will be evaluated for originality, benefit, distinctness and role.

Submitted manuscript must not have been previously published elsewhere.

Every effort is made to judge the merits of work.

Editor will refer the manuscript to two external reviewers in a full double-blind peer review process and will send a summary of review back to the author(s).

Editors have full authority to make one of the following decisions:

  • Publish without modification
  • Accept with revision
  • Accept with major revision
  • Reject
  • An invitation to accept with a major revision is an indication of a positive feedback from the reviewers and there is a possibility of publishing.

For all those who accept with revision, only the chief editor will review the revised article before making the final decision.

It must be clear that originality is the exclusive responsibility of the author(s).

PortAllJournal not assumes liability for the consequences of inaccurate data, opinions or assertions.